Press Release

INDICATA announces two senior appointments to drive global growth in the dealer, fleet and banking sectors

INDICATA, the global used car pricing data platform has announced two more senior appointments which will help support its growth ambition across all 21 Autorola Group subsidiaries.

Jon Mitchell has joined as INDICATA’s global head of dealer sales performance and Edwin Acosta Burga as global head of fleet sales performance.

Mitchell joins his new role after nearly 14 years as Autorola UK’s group sales director. In the UK he was responsible for successfully launching and then growing INDICATA’s penetration of the country’s largest dealer groups.

Mitchell is now responsible for growing the INDICATA system globally and increasing the market share among the largest 300 dealer groups in Europe, South America, the Middle East and Australia. He will also be working with each of the Autorola Group’s subsidiaries to ensure they operate consistently in all existing and new markets.

Meanwhile Edwin Acosta Burga will be conducting an identical role to Mitchell but working with INDICATA to recruit and develop its fleet and banking sales capabilities across the group.

Burga has over two decades of experience of working in the fleet industry which includes 14 years as group regional managing director of Autovista overseeing Spain, Portugal, Italy, France and the Benelux countries. He has also been MD of Fiat Auto Renting and has held board level positions in Arval Service Lease and GE Capital Fleet Services Spanish businesses.

Andy Shields, INDICATA’s global business unit director said: “We have brought two very senior people in the business who will work with individual country managers to drive the growth of our INDICATA customer base and sales revenues in the dealer and fleet sectors.

“We are extremely pleased to see Jon join our global team after 14 years as a director of our UK subsidiary while Edwin’s 20 years plus of experience in the fleet industry will be invaluable when helping our country managers grow their fleet and banking client base,” he added.

Jon Mitchell, INDICATA’s global head of dealer sales performance
Jon Mitchell, INDICATA’s global head of dealer sales performance
Edwin Burga, INDICATA's Global Fleet Sales Performance director
Edwin Burga, INDICATA’s Global Fleet Sales Performance director

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    +45 70 20 16 61

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      Skibhusvej 52A
      DK-5000 Odense C
      +45 70 20 16 61

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      Entrada L – Piso 0 – Escritório C
      1700-097 Lisboa
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        Skibhusvej 52A
        DK-5000 Odense C
        +45 70 20 16 61

        Escritório Português

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        Entrada L – Piso 0 – Escritório C
        1700-097 Lisboa
        +351 217 528 130

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